31 Mar 2012

Look of the day !

When you have nothing to wear, just turn your shirt to the other side ;) !

16 Mar 2012

When there is nothing,everything counts!

Dok mnogi od nas tragaju za savršenim cipelama,maštaju o broju cipela koje ima Carrie Bradshaw, neke ljude je život,na žalost, natjerao da budu kreativniji. Oni ne biraju cipele po modelu, po brendu, po cijeni,ili po broju. Njima cipele ne služe da bi im se drugi divili, već da bi u njima hodali i preživjeli!
Slika je tužna koliko i nije. Govori o bijedi i siromaštvu, ali i snazi i kreativnosti jednog čovjeka.

Painful and powerful at the same time. First I taught this is so sad,but than i realized he is more than likely not sad.This man is strong person,and I love this !!!

Men’s 2012 hairstyles: hair trends, cuts & colors

We all know it is all about us,but lets talk a little bit about *them* :)
Those are my favorite men's haircuts. Check it out!
U pauzi,da neki post posvetim i njima :) kiss :*